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    1. Do you move your body for at least 30 minutes every day?

    2. What intensity do you mostly train at?
    90% MHR or 9-10 RPE70-90% MHR or 7-9 RPE60-70% MHR or 6-7 RPE60% MHR or 5 RPE or less

    MHR = Maximum Heart Rate
    RPE = Rating of Perceived Exertion – 1 to 10 scale how hard does your exercise feel with 1 being very easy and 10 being very hard

    3. Do you have any pain?
    Yes, at momentYes, in the last yearNo

    4. Is your exercise enjoyable?
    Yes, alwaysYes, mostlyYes, sometimesNo

    5. How often are you barefoot?
    NeverOccasionallyAs much as possible

    6. What do you wear when exercising?
    Conventional trainersMinimalist shoesBarefoot

    7. Do you have a repetitive strain and/or sporting injury?

    8.Have you been on a calorie-restriction diet before?
    Yes, 5 times or moreYes, 2-4 timesYes, onceNever

    9. Do you know how food makes you feel?

    10. Do you feel hyperactive and/or lethargic during the day?

    11. Do you eat carbohydrates on their own eg sweets, cakes and biscuits?

    12. Does you eat processed food?

    13. What meat, fruit and vegetables do you generally buy?
    Organic / grass-fed/ traditional / seasonalThe best lookingStandard supermarketThe cheapest

    14. Do you avoid eating fat?

    15. Do you fast (go for lengths of time without food)?
    Yes, regularlyYes, occasionally overnight for 12+ hoursNever

    16. How many hours sleep a day you generally get?
    8 or moreAbout 7Fewer than 6

    17. Do you meditate, do Yoga, Tai Chi or similar?
    Every day5 times per week1-4 times per weekNo

    18. How much time do you spend outside each day in daylight?
    5 or more hours1-4 hours1 hour20 minutesNone

    19. Do you get ill when you have a holiday?
    Yes, oftenYes, sometimesNo

    20. Do you feel tired when you stop doing things?

    21. How many cups of tea/coffee do you have a day?
    3 or more1-2 before 3pmNone

    22. What is your measurement around your middle (tummy button level)?
    Over 100cm85-100cmUnder 85cm

    23. Do you take any prescription or over the counter medicines?
    Yes, everydayOccasionallyNo

    24. Are you sensitive to pollutants?

    25. Hydration – how much do you drink?
    2-4 litres per day of filtered water and non-caffeinated teasFewer than 2 litres per day of filtered water and non-caffeinated teasGenerally only tea, coffee, alcohol, carbonated & sugary drinks

    26. Are you aware that your body and your life situation is of your choosing?

    27. What percentage of your thoughts are negative?
    Over 80%Over 50%Under 50%Under 30%0%

    28. Is your closest relationship where you want it to be?
    YesNoWorking on it

    29. Do you love yourself?

    30. Do you have your dream/legacy written down?

    31. Do you have your values written down?

    32. Are you happy?
    Yes, generallySome of the timeOnly occasionally

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    All details are in strict confidence and never shared. If you have any questions, click the button below to get in touch